We use arugula or rocket in our salads every day because these days we don’t eat enough bitter greens like they did in the old days. Bitter greens like arugula or dandelion greens help with digestion by stimulating the pancreas to produce bile. Arugula is rich in fiber, vitamins C, A, and K, folate, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and manganese. Arugula helps to boost the immune system and strengthen bones. Arugula also contains high levels of protein, thiamin, vitamin B6, zinc, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and copper. If that’s not enough, it reduces inflammation, and helps lower blood pressure (Food Facts 2016). Give it a try, you may like it. Enjoy and happy cooking! For more information on the health benefits of arugula visit https://foodfacts.mercola.com/arugula.html