Fall is finally here and although it was about 78 degrees today it still smelled like fall with a hint of maple in the air from all the maple trees on our property. I love this time of year because the nights are cool and the days are warm and there are not as many bugs so it’s nice to spend the day outdoors. Evening campfires are common at our house.

We let our chickens run free during the day but we have to keep an eye out for predators. At night the chickens are in their coop with a light and a radio that is set on a timer to come on at dusk, which helps deter predators. I have also installed solar powered blinking red lights that come on at night to keep away the foxes, coyotes, racoons, weasels, skunks, fisher cats, bob cats, racoons, bear, and opossum just to name a few. It is also football season and I have some great recipes that I will be sharing with you, so stay tuned!