There have been a number of people who have asked if the meals that I post are ones that I am actually preparing? The answer, is yes. The recipes that I post are those that I am actually preparing that day, or have made the night before. The photos are taken during the preparation stages so that viewers can see the steps and how the dish will look.
I love posting recipes this way because I believe it is more personal than just going through a repertoire of recipes. Posting live shows what we were in the mood for that day. All of the photos are original, even my home page is a picture of a place in my backyard. I want my website to be personal, to show everyone how easy it is to prepare healthy, beautiful, meals at home where we can control the ingredients.
Eating healthy and saving money by preparing it myself is important to me, and I want to share my recipes with as many people as possible, especially those who may have thought it was too difficult to prepare great meals at home. The majority of my recipes are so simple that even someone who is just starting to cook, can create wonderful dishes that they can be proud of and that their family will love. Enjoy, and happy cooking!
I love getting new ideas for meals. We get into such a rut with the same old things.
Your pictures are great. Keep them coming.
Hi Marie,
Thank you for the encouragement, the photos are of the dishes while I am actually preparing them so people can see what they actually look like. I hope that you can try making some of them.
Thank you,