Living in the country is so quiet and therapeutic. People who live in the city seek the countryside in order to see some green space. It has been said that seeing green such as that of grass and trees is good for our health. The air is fresh and clean with the sound of birds year round. Deer are so beautiful and graceful, I can’t help but love them.

It’s December as I took this photo of a doe and her fawn who have been passing through since early spring. The fawn is much larger now but still hanging with mom.

It’s getting dark so the photos are not as clear plus, I used the zoom lens to get this closeup. We have a few cottontail rabbits that hang around also, they get into the chicken coop and eat the feed. Our geese don’t seem to mind as they are usually pretty feisty if something is in or around their area.

I never get tired of watching them, they are one of God’s most beautiful creatures.