It’s springtime here on the farm and my wonderful hens are laying up a storm. As the weather warms up and the days are longer, they really start to produce their beautiful eggs in all sorts of colors. I just love being able to go to the hen house and collect the eggs each day and the taste is far better compared to store-bought eggs.

Our chickens are allowed to run free during the day and are secured in the barn at night. We also have a beautiful rooster who helps to protect the hens as they all roam around eating bugs and the fresh green grass, which helps to turn the yolks of their eggs a bright orange.

We enjoy sitting on the front porch watching the chickens and our geese wonder around having fun chasing bugs. It is also nice to watch the pretty sunsets from our deck, to smell the fresh country air, and think about those delicious eggs we will have for breakfast or the deviled eggs waiting in the frig.