Everything seems to come to life when spring rolls around. The grass turns green, the birds are singing and building nests, and my hens and geese start laying up a storm. The fresh air we enjoy living in the country is only one of the many benefits of country living, and living in the mountains adds even more enjoyment, most of which is peace and quiet. Except for the cackle of chickens and the honking of the geese. Ah! beautiful spring!

Here are a pair of our White Chinese geese. We have a good watch dog but these geese are perfect guard geese.

Our beautiful rooster keeps an eye on the hens as they forage around the property. Even though he does keep an eye out for danger we have to keep an eye out for predators that sometimes sneak up on them. We have to protect them from hawks, owls, eagles, bears, coyotes, fox, bobcats,

In early spring we have all sorts of pretty flowers pop up in the grass as well as dandelions. Most people hate the pesky weed but I love them because I pick the dandelion greens to add to a salad or to sauté and the dandelion flowers make