Spring has finally sprung on the farm and I am looking forward to getting my greenhouse and garden going. Last year we did not have any apples due to a late frost that caused the blossoms to drop off. This year we are hoping to get a good crop of apples, blueberries, and blackberries. It’s nice to be able to open all of the windows and let in the fresh air. Here in the northeast spring comes a little later than in the western states.
It is late April and the trees are starting to blossom, the birds are singing, and our hens are laying up a storm. Having fresh eggs on hand is a cook’s dream because they are used in so many dishes.

These eggs are fresh from the hen house, just rinsed, and ready for some omelets. Can’t wait to get some plants in the ground and watch the garden grow. Strawberries will be bursting out soon and strawberry shortcake is on the horizon. Hope you are enjoying your spring! Enjoy and happy cooking!